During his first term as Governor, Brad Little has already recorded historic achievements when it comes to saving Idahoans more of their hard-earned money, protecting our state’s financial wellbeing, and defending the values Idaho families hold dear.
Check out Gov. Brad Little’s top 10 latest accomplishments:
1. Cutting red tape – In just three years, we cut or simplified a whopping 95-percent of Idaho regulations, easing burdens on small businesses and citizens. And we’re going to keep on cutting red tape in the years ahead!
2. Providing historic tax relief and stable budgeting – Gov. Little championed historic tax relief for citizens and businesses in the past few years, with plans to give more money back to the people through continued tax relief. Idaho achieved the AAA credit rating, our rainy-day funds are full, our budget is balanced, and for two years under Gov. Little we have had a record budget surplus!
3. Pushing back on Biden’s overreach – Gov. Little challenged Biden’s unprecedented attempts to invade Americans’ lives with illegal government-imposed vaccine mandates. Governor Little is protecting Idahoans’ God-given rights.
4. Leading on COVID response – Idaho stayed open and provided citizens tax relief while other states went on lockdown. Idaho is one of only a few states with more jobs today than before COVID. Gov. Little never had a mask mandate or vaccine mandate, and he banned vaccine passports. Instead, we responded by adding capacity in healthcare. Idaho’s economy thrives today because we are a top 10 state for the fewest COVID restrictions.
5. Finding solutions to Biden’s border crisis – Idaho faces a growing drug threat because of Biden’s horribly inept handling of the crisis at the border. Gov. Little is leading Idaho toward safety by working with law enforcement and communities in new ways to fight the influence of Mexico drug cartels in our state, and we sent troopers to the border to help our fellow Americans.
6. Back the Blue – While others seek to defund the police, Gov. Little DEFENDS the police. We are backing the blue by supporting law enforcement’s needs and giving them pay raises and bonuses.
7. Supporting Veterans and the Guard – Gov. Little is working to improve the quality of life of our brave veterans with historic investments in veterans homes. He is doubling scholarships for our valuable men and women of the Guard who do so much to protect our country, state, and communities.
8. Supporting parents and education – Gov. Little made historic investments in literacy, education, and workforce training to support our future workforce – our students! We are empowering parents and families with new resources because, after all, PARENTS are in control of their children’s education in Idaho – as it should be.
9. Making investments where they count, without raising taxes – Gov. Little championed historic investments in transportation, water, broadband, agriculture and a number of other areas that impact Idahoans’ daily lives. He did it without raising taxes on people and businesses.
10. Promoting election integrity and freedom – Gov. Little plans for election integrity audits and new resources to protect us against cyber-attacks by bad actors in China, Russia, and elsewhere. Under Gov. Little’s watch, Idaho is a top 10 state for Overall Freedom, Economic Freedom, Regulatory Policy Freedom, Gun Rights, Occupational Freedom, and Health Insurance Freedom.